Tuesday, 31 January 2017

February Calendar and a Peek at the Week: Jan. 30 - Feb. 3rd

Above you will see the spelling words and picture sorts that were sent home on Friday so that students could have extra practice during a short week! With a PD Day this week and Early Dismissal tomorrow that leaves us with less in-class practice time. Bubblegum day(s) will take place this Wednesday and Thursday. Please practice those yellow words and spelling words!

We continue adding and subtracting to 12 and have been diving in to story and word problems. The students are practicing reading simple word problems, looking for words and phrases like "how many more?" or "how many are left?", and then deciding if the question wants them to add or subtract. A good way to practice this at home is to tell simple word stories to your child, even using objects around the house, and have them tell you if it is addition or subtraction. 

For example: 
"I have four grapes and you have six grapes. How many grapes are there all together?" 
"Dad has 4 cookies and then he ate two. How many cookies are left?"

Incorporating this language not only helps your child become more familiar with problem solving vocabulary, but also helps them recognize that addition and subtraction are important skills to master!

We are also working on counting to 100, skip counting (by 2s) and counting by 5s and 10s. On February 14th we will be celebrating the 100th Day of school in the morning and Valentine's Day in the afternoon. 

Here is a look at the busy month of February:

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