Tuesday, 31 January 2017

February Calendar and a Peek at the Week: Jan. 30 - Feb. 3rd

Above you will see the spelling words and picture sorts that were sent home on Friday so that students could have extra practice during a short week! With a PD Day this week and Early Dismissal tomorrow that leaves us with less in-class practice time. Bubblegum day(s) will take place this Wednesday and Thursday. Please practice those yellow words and spelling words!

We continue adding and subtracting to 12 and have been diving in to story and word problems. The students are practicing reading simple word problems, looking for words and phrases like "how many more?" or "how many are left?", and then deciding if the question wants them to add or subtract. A good way to practice this at home is to tell simple word stories to your child, even using objects around the house, and have them tell you if it is addition or subtraction. 

For example: 
"I have four grapes and you have six grapes. How many grapes are there all together?" 
"Dad has 4 cookies and then he ate two. How many cookies are left?"

Incorporating this language not only helps your child become more familiar with problem solving vocabulary, but also helps them recognize that addition and subtraction are important skills to master!

We are also working on counting to 100, skip counting (by 2s) and counting by 5s and 10s. On February 14th we will be celebrating the 100th Day of school in the morning and Valentine's Day in the afternoon. 

Here is a look at the busy month of February:

Monday, 23 January 2017

Words Their Way: Blends Unit

Spelling Words:
sh: shot, shut, ship
s: sun, sip, set
h: hot, hut, hat

Marks for spelling and reading

Picture Sort:
Marks for sorting into correct beginning sound categories

Friday, 20 January 2017

A Note About Words Their Way Word Sorts

Sort 12 test was sent home today.

This week, students were told that they would be getting 1/2 a point taken away for every backwards letter. We have spent a great deal of time going through letter formation during the first half of the school year and we have come to the point where a letter reversal will no longer be considered the correct letter. From this point forward, students will also be responsible for indicating the sorting rule of the week at the top of their pages during a spelling test and for all spelling related activities. The boxes at the top will no longer be filled in with the sorting rule.

We will be starting our next unit of word sorts beginning next week. More information will be sent home about the unit and the week's word sorts and a homework menu on Monday.

Have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

A Peek at the Week: January 16-20

Bubblegum Words
After a week of reviewing our old words, new bubblegum words will be sent home tomorrow. Students will be tested on these words next Wednesday!

Our Home Reading Program, L.I.FT., began yesterday. Students who read every day for the week will get an activity bag to bring home on Friday. Activity bags are to be returned on Monday.

We have started addition and subtraction to 12 in math. The students are enjoying this new challenge! 

After learning all about reindeer and winter, we are now learning about The 5 Senses.

We are completing our hygiene unit in health, and learning about healthy bodies and minds in assemblies. A tooth-brushing challenge was sent home today. When you have completed it, please return the form for some fun 'swag'!


  • This Friday is Wok Box Hot Lunch
  • Next Tuesday is a Banking Day

Monday, 9 January 2017

A Peek at the Week: Jan. 9-13

Happy New Year! I hope that you had an enjoyable, relaxing Winter Break. I was so happy to see the students today and hear of all their exciting adventures over the past few weeks. I sent home January Calendars and Words Their Way Word Sorts today. I am having difficulty uploading the calendar as a picture on the blog, I will try my best to post it on the blog ASAP! Below you will find some important info for the week to come. Please let me know if you have any questions!
  • Words Their Way Word Sorts: Spelling tests are now once a week, every Friday
  • Bubblegum Sight Words that Stick: We will review our pink, green, orange, and blue words this week and send home the next set of words next week. 
  • L.I.F.T Home Reading Program: Literacy is a Family Thing! Our L.I.F.T Home Reading Program will start next week! I will send more information home tomorrow along with a program agreement form to be signed and returned by Friday if you wish to participate. 
  • Hot lunch orders are due this Friday, January 13th
  • Just a reminder that Library is on Friday afternoons!

PAWS is holding a Bottle Drive this Friday and Saturday. Bring your cans/bottles to the school by Friday OR drop them off at the Leduc Bottle Depot on Saturday, January 14 from 12- 3 pm.
If any students or parents can help out on Saturday, or you need bottles picked up, please text Sherri at 780-238-5815.

Show your school (and team) spirit on Friday, January 13 by wearing your favorite jersey for our JERSEY DAY!!

Pizza by the Slice lunch this Friday, January 13 - $2 per slice