Friday, 17 March 2017

Looking Ahead at Next Week!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The students had a blast setting traps for their leprechauns today. Leprechauns are too sneaky to come around when students are in school...We will wait and see what happens on Monday morning!

Looking ahead at next week:

  • The Lego Field Trip fee of $7.50 is due on Monday
  • Hot Dog Day payment for April 5th Hot Dog Day is due on Wednesday (I had originally said it was due the 15th... I apologize for the miscommunication!)
  • Frozen Treat THURSDAY is next week. Payment must be in on Wednesday morning
  • Report Cards go home on Thursday
  • NO SCHOOL FRIDAY! School resumes after spring break, Monday, April 3rd. 
Because we will have so much change floating around next week, PLEASE make sure your child's payments are labelled with their name and what the payment is for! Thank you in advance :)

Have an excellent weekend! 

Monday, 13 March 2017

A Peek at the Week: March 13-17

The results from Family Day Unplugged are in, and 1H came in 2ND PLACE!!! Nice work everyone!

Spelling words and sorts went home last Friday. Please make it a priority to take some time and practice spelling words and sorts at home, emphasizing beginning sounds, middle vowel sounds, and ending sounds. Our spelling test will be on Thursday this week, as Friday is St. Patrick's Day and we have some special activities planned. Fridays are very busy with assembly, art, music, library, and PE, so it leaves us with only the usual spelling test time to squeeze in some St. Patrick's Day fun! Please remember to wear green and Shamrocks on Friday! 

Swimming Lesson Registration Forms along with payment are due this Wednesday. 

Friday is Dairy Queen Hot Lunch. 

Monday, 6 March 2017

A Peek at the Week: March 6-10

New spelling words along with a sign language guide went home today. We learned about sign language while we studied our sense of hearing, and today our grade 6 buddies came and helped us create 'secret messages' we communicated using sign language. Using the sign language guide might be a fun way to practice this week's spelling words, which went home today. 

We started a new science project using Google Classroom on our Chromebooks today all about protecting our eyes from the sun, while we learn about the sense of sight and wrap up our 5 senses unit!

We continue to learn about adding and subtracting in math. The students wrote their own word problems today. I am so impressed with how their writing is coming along! We are learning all about 'action words' (aka verbs) in writing, and are having fun acting out what we write. 

This week, we have ATB Bank Day tomorrow and Pizza by the Slice lunch on Friday. Pizza is $2.00/slice. Please send your pizza money in by Friday first thing in the morning. 

Swimming lesson registration forms went home last week. They are due next Wednesday, March 15th. 

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Mid-week Updates & Information

There will be a candy bag and chip sale on Thursday, March 2nd at last recess.  The candy bags and chips will be on sale for $1 each.  Please bring in your loonies to help support the Grade 5 fundraising.  It will be based on a first come first serve basis.  Thank you!

***Student money will not be collected in the morning, as I usually do for Frozen Treat Friday or Hot Dog Lunch. Students will be responsible for knowing that they have money for this concession sale and where to find it. I will remind them about it, but I have outdoor recess supervision on Thursday afternoons, so I will not be able to help them.***

  • Library will be tomorrow, due to no school on Friday
  • Spelling Test is tomorrow, due to no school on Friday
  • March Calendars were sent home on Monday
  • Bubblegum Word Day(s) will continue tomorrow. Due to Early Dismissal we did not get through everyone today
  • Swimming Lesson registration forms went home today. Please return by Wednesday, March 15th

March Calendar