- Sort 10 Test will be this Friday
Bubblegum Sight Words
- A little break to review pink, green, orange, and blue words this week. No new words until the New Year!
Christmas Party
- We are having a Christmas Party on Friday afternoon. If you'd like to send a fruit tray, veggie tray, cheese and crackers, chips, or baking, please let me know! We now have 17 students in the class.
Traditions of Christmas Recipes
- We are discussing Christmas Traditions in class, along with the sense of taste. If you have a traditional Christmas recipe you would like to send in, I will add it to our class traditions book! Feel free to send in a hard copy, or email me/send me the link as well!
Christmas Accessories
- If your child has any Christmas accessories or clothes, they are welcome to wear them to school this week!
Banking Day Tomorrow
- Tomorrow is an ATB Banking Day!