Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Information Wednesday

  • Popcorn orders are due tomorrow
  • Picture Day is Thursday, October 6th
  • Please see the WPS Emergency Plan and Procedures information page
  • Other important information re: school fees, making a plan for your child at the end of the day, and early dismissal next weekcan be found in the Information Update page sent home

As always, if you have further questions or require additional information please let me know!

Sunday, 25 September 2016

What We're Up To

Rainbow Day was a blast! We created colours by mixing primary colours with paint and playdough. We will continue to discover what we can apply colours to and how we can create colour with Miss Knull during her time in our classroom! Next week we will continue learning how to write about colours and read colour words. Starting tomorrow students can wear any colour they want ;)

Important Events This Week:
  • Family photos for Social Studies are due Monday, Sept. 26th
  • Popcorn orders are due Thursday, Sept. 29th
  • Terry Fox Run is this Friday, Sept. 30th

Thank you to Tammy and Sam and Sherri and Cohen for sending in our primary colour playdough batches on Friday! 

Sunday, 18 September 2016

What We're Up To

Colour days continue this week! We will celebrate Rainbow Day on Friday.

We used Chromebooks for the first time this week. We practiced clicking and dragging on the touch pad and navigating our division website, If you are ever looking to do some extra practice with your child at home, or for educational websites, this is the best place to start! We did alphabet bingo to review letter sounds.

Here is the link:

In Math this week we will begin our patterning unit and in Language Arts we will review half-moon letters: c, a, d, g, and q. 

Family photos are due for our Social Studies project on Wednesday, September 21st. Please send in a family photo as soon as possible. You may send in a hard copy or send the photo to me in an email. It does not have to be a formal photo. The copy you send in will remain in the classroom for the rest of the school year. 

Working together to make numbers!

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Information Wednesday

A few information Wednesday Updates:

  • A Terry Fox Run pledge form was sent home today, along with some information on a skating clinic. I found some extra copies in the hall if some students *happened* to not make it home with their copies please let me know and I'll send the info home!
  • Our WPS Family BBQ is Thursday night. See you there!
  • There is NO SCHOOL this Friday, Sept. 16th
  • The Hot Lunch order deadline for the Domino’s Pizza by the Slice Hot Lunch is on Friday, September 16th at 3 pm. Please go to to order and use the code WPHL

Friday, 9 September 2016

What We're Up To!

It was a great first full week in grade 1!

We've been reviewing 'flagpole letters'. We covered i, l, and t this week. Next week we will learn j and k and move on to our next letter group. During this time we review how to form the letter, complete some fine motor strengthening activities, and brainstorm words with the letter of the day at the beginning, middle, and end of the word.

We're also reviewing how to print numbers to ten and beginning our patterning unit.

Q-tip painting before printing the letter 5
In social we will interview our student of the week and our student of the week will share their identity box with us each week. For the next few weeks we will be focusing on friendship and fair ways to make decisions, such as playing rock, paper, scissors, taking a vote, or picking a number between 1-10. Please begin sending in family photos as soon as possible!

Congratulations to Bexon, our first student of the week winner!
We have started our science unit and will focus on a new colour word every day for the next two weeks. Please see the newsletter that was sent home about this. I have attached the 'colour day calendar' on this post as well. Please do not feel like your child MUST wear each colour every day... participate how you can with what you already own!

Some information was also sent home today about how to order hot lunch this year. Please review. As always, if you have any further questions or require additional information, please let me know!

That is all for now. Have an excellent weekend!

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Information Wednesdays

Newsletters and permission forms are sent home on Wednesdays. Below you will find an overview of what was sent home today.

1. Student Accident Plan: There was an optional insurance for your child while they are at school if an accident should occur.  If you are interested, please fill out the form online to apply.

2.  School fees: They are due by the end of September. You can go into the office or pay them online through ACORN.

3. PD Day: There is no school next Friday (Sept 16) for their first PD day.

4. Family Event: For our September Family event we will be having a BBQ from 5:30-7:00 on Thursday, September 15.  If you are planning to attend, please complete the small form (one per family) on the back of the news update.

5. Student Verification Forms: There is a large packet of forms meant that will be sent home tomorrow! Please go through them and sign them and return them to the school as soon as possible! 

6. Cross-country: Many of the students in our class have signed up for cross country. Please review the green form sent home today (if your child has joined) and discuss with your child. 

7. Snack and Lunch: We have two 15 minute snack breaks each day and one 20 minute lunch break each day. Our snack rules are "healthy snack first" in the mornings. At lunch they must finish the biggest thing in their lunch before they move on to anything else, and finally in the afternoon they have time to finish what they may not have had time to finish during the rest of the day. It is encouraged that a water bottle be sent each day to stay hydrated! 

8. Shoes with laces: We have a number of students with laces in our class this year. For their safety and the safety of others they must be able to consistently tie up their shoes independently (on their own). Untied laces are truly a hazard when considering our concrete floors! Please practice at home if you are sending your child to school with laces! 

Thank you for taking the time to read my update! We started our colour unit in science today and the students LOVED dancing to this song, called Awesome Rainbows

As always, please let me know if you have any further questions or require additional information!