It was a great first full week in grade 1!
We've been reviewing 'flagpole letters'. We covered i, l, and t this week. Next week we will learn j and k and move on to our next letter group. During this time we review how to form the letter, complete some fine motor strengthening activities, and brainstorm words with the letter of the day at the beginning, middle, and end of the word.
We're also reviewing how to print numbers to ten and beginning our patterning unit.
Q-tip painting before printing the letter 5
In social we will interview our student of the week and our student of the week will share their identity box with us each week. For the next few weeks we will be focusing on friendship and fair ways to make decisions, such as playing rock, paper, scissors, taking a vote, or picking a number between 1-10. Please begin sending in family photos as soon as possible!
Congratulations to Bexon, our first student of the week winner!
We have started our science unit and will focus on a new colour word every day for the next two weeks. Please see the newsletter that was sent home about this. I have attached the 'colour day calendar' on this post as well. Please do not feel like your child MUST wear each colour every day... participate how you can with what you already own!
Some information was also sent home today about how to order hot lunch this year. Please review. As always, if you have any further questions or require additional information, please let me know!
That is all for now. Have an excellent weekend!