Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Important Information for the Week Ahead!

May has come to an end and we have a busy last month of school ahead! Here are some updates for the coming week:
  • Just a reminder that tomorrow is Early Dismissal! Pick up is at 2:15
  • We will be making up our Library time on Thursday because Jump Rope for Heart is tomorrow afternoon, but you can still send library books tomorrow.
  • Tomorrow a photographer will be coming to our classroom for Leduc Family of Schools publication. Only the students with consent will be photographed.
  • Hot Lunch Orders are due tomorrow.
  • I will send the June calendar for our class home on Thursday, June 2nd. June is a busy month and I want to confirm some upcoming dates before I send them home!

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

What We're Up To, May 23-27

I hope that you had a great May Long Weekend! 

Last week we completed our bird unit. Students showed what they know about the parts of a bird, how birds fly, where birds live, and how birds hatch from eggs. I will be sending their 'Bird Work' home soon!

Miss Breanne Knull is a Bachelor of Education student at Concordia University who has been volunteering in our classroom weekly. Miss Knull lives on a farm and brought in some chicks for us to see! We brainstormed some names and voted on what to name them. It was decided that they would be 'Lego' and 'Daisy'. After Miss Knull shared her chicks with us, we shared our 'Chicken Dance' with her. I've included a clip for you to view!

For the next few weeks we will be learning all about different bugs and whether they are 'good guys' or 'bad guys'. Today we learned all about spiders and decided that even though spiders need their space and we shouldn't pick them up, they are 'good guys' because they eat lots of mosquitos and flies and help keep pests away from the garden. 

For the next few days, we will be learning about caterpillars- we even have some real caterpillars in our classroom, which we'll take a closer look at tomorrow as well!

  • L.I.F.T Bags went home again today, please return them on Friday! 
  • Library is tomorrow!
  • Our Family Kite flying event is also tomorrow evening. 
  • Jump Rope for Heart Day is this Friday!

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Spring Photos, Field Trip & L.I.F.T Packages

Proof packages were sent home today. Please return orders by May 27th. All proof packages must be returned, whether or not you decide to order! 

Also, a consent form for photos that will be included in the Leduc Family of Schools Booklet was sent home yesterday. Our class has been selected to be part of this, so please return consent forms quickly!

A note went home about our class field trip on Monday, the cost is $2.50/student. Please send this money with your child- an envelop or ziploc in their blue book is best!

Please return L.I.F.T reading packages tomorrow, Friday May 13th. A new package will be sent home on Monday.

Have a lovely evening!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

L.I.F.T Program

Literacy is a Family Thing (L.I.F.T) Reading Program

I am very excited about starting our L.I.F.T (Literacy is a Family Thing) Home Reading Program. I know your children will enjoy this aspect of our Junior Grade 1 program!

Reading together is the most important homework you can do with your child. It helps your child with print awareness, phonological awareness and oral language. These three areas most significantly impact your child's literacy skills. The ability to read and write is necessary to master other subjects and to communicate what is learned. Even more important, children who enjoy reading will continue to learn and grow throughout their lives.

I have included some tips for you to try during your read-aloud times at home:  
  • Remember that the art of listening is an acquired one. It must be taught and cultivated gradually so vary the length and subject matter of your reading.  
  • Stop before the end of the story. Ask your child to predict what he/she thinks may happen next.
  • After reading a story have your child tell you in his/her own words what happened in the story.
  • When reading a story have your child look at the text and point to all the letters of one kind they can find. (ex. Find all of the T’s on this page - what sound does T make?)

On the first day of each week, your child will be sent home with a new L.I.F.T package, which will include a book, a stuffed animal, and an activity to complete after reading the story. The package sent home with your child will also include a Reading Log. Please include your child’s name, the date, and any comments or questions your child had about the story (eg. “My favorite part was when ______.” or “I wonder why ______?”)

Because L.I.F.T is a program that requires commitment for both parents and students to participate, I have included an agreement that must be signed and returned in order to participate. This signature indicates that you and your child commit to participating in this program and returning the L.I.FT packages on time, with all of the package contents in tact. L.I.F.T bags must be returned by the last day of the school week, so that I can prepare to send home new packages the first day of the following week.

Thank you for your help with the L.I.F.T program. Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional information.

***At this time, there are six parents/students who have signed the L.I.F.T agreement to participate, and return packages on time with all contents included.***

In your package you will find:

  • A book (or two)
  • A stuffie that relates to the theme of the book
  • A fun song or activity to complete with your child after reading the book
With this initial week as an exception, packages will be sent home on the first day of each school week and must be returned by the last day of the school week

The first six packages went home today- enjoy! As always, do not hesitate to call if you have any further questions or require additional information!

Friday, 6 May 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you 1H Moms! 
Have a wonderful weekend with your families!

"An open letter to moms from Kid President"

*Your child has a card they worked very hard on and gift ready for you in their blue books*

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

May is Here!

May is here and we are kicking the month off with Education Week! Please see the calendar I sent home/have posted! If you are looking for more information about Education Week events please refer to last week's blog post, the school website http://wps.blackgold.ca/, or send me an email or give me a call!

We began 'mystery bags' this week. Each student will be randomly selected to bring home the mystery bag, write three clues (it is your child's responsibility to print the clues, you may help them with spelling words), and then we will guess what is in the bag. A more detailed letter is sent home along with the bag. The purpose of this activity is to practice questioning words and phrasing. Here is a visual we use to help guide students as they form their questions.

Please remember that tomorrow is Early Dismissal and Library (we have a number of overdue books this week)!